Friday, October 17, 2014

Cloning a user in Oracle

dbms_metadata makes it simple to clone a user. Here's a demonstration.

First, I create a small schema with some simple grants: The first user (a_user) is needed to contain a few tables to test if grants to these tables will be cloned:

create user a_user identified by a_password;

The second user (user_to_be_cloned) is the user that I will actually duplicate:

create user user_to_be_cloned identified by "Secret*49" quota 10M on users;

I also need a role through which I will grant an object privilege:

create role a_role;

Creating the mentioned tables:

create table a_user.table_01 (id number); create table a_user.table_02 (id number); create table a_user.table_03 (id number);

Granting some privileges:

grant create session, create table to user_to_be_cloned; grant select, insert on a_user.table_01 to user_to_be_cloned; grant all on a_user.table_02 to a_role; grant a_role to user_to_be_cloned;

Now, I want an sql script that contains the necessary statements to clone the user. The following script uses the SQL*Plus spool command to create the file (so it is designed to be run in SQL*Plus).
It also uses replace a lot to change USER_TO_BE_CLONED to CLONED_USER.

set heading off set pages 0 set long 1000000 set termout off exec dbms_metadata.set_transform_param( dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'SQLTERMINATOR', true); spool create_cloned_user.sql select replace( dbms_metadata.get_ddl( 'USER', 'USER_TO_BE_CLONED' ), '"USER_TO_BE_CLONED"', 'CLONED_USER' ) from dual; select replace( dbms_metadata.get_granted_ddl( 'SYSTEM_GRANT', 'USER_TO_BE_CLONED' ), '"USER_TO_BE_CLONED"', 'CLONED_USER' ) from dual; select replace( dbms_metadata.get_granted_ddl( 'OBJECT_GRANT', 'USER_TO_BE_CLONED' ), '"USER_TO_BE_CLONED"', 'CLONED_USER' ) from dual; select replace( dbms_metadata.get_granted_ddl( 'ROLE_GRANT', 'USER_TO_BE_CLONED' ), '"USER_TO_BE_CLONED"', 'CLONED_USER' ) from dual; select replace( dbms_metadata.get_granted_ddl( 'TABLESPACE_QUOTA', 'USER_TO_BE_CLONED' ), '"USER_TO_BE_CLONED"', 'CLONED_USER' ) from dual; spool off set termout on

The created script can now be used to create the cloned user. After logging on with CLONED_USER you can verify that the grants are cloned, too, by trying to select from a_user.table_01, a_user.table_02 and a_user.table_03.

Source code on github

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